Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Why Beware of Papercuts?

I don't know if anyone paid attention to the title of the blog, but we thought a quick, fun, explanation was in order.

The bottom line is that adoption is the most paperwork you will ever submit in your life.

BEFORE you can even qualify for the PREadoptive classes, you have to submit a 20 page questionairre about your family, personal and work references, plus allow criminal background checks and affidavits of good moral character. Then, while in the classes, but before your homestudy, you submit birth certificates, marriage licenses, physicals from your doctors, taxes, etc. You also turn in homework for each class, and there are workbooks that you keep. This is all BEFORE your homestudy. Then, AFTER your homestudy, you have finalization paperwork, once you are adopting a child. So...yeah.... lots of paperwork= tons of papercuts. I think adoptive parents are personally responsible for keeping Neosporin in business.

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