Wednesday, October 24, 2012

We're adopting!

Hello to all of our family and friends who have found this blog! We are so glad to share our news with you! As we have information to share, we will post it here, and also encourage you to ask questions, via Gianna's e-mail, this blog or phone calls, about our adoption. We are very happy and extremely excited!

A Little Info:
We have talked about adoption since we first met. We knew it was something we wanted to do when we were ready. When we were finally ready to talk about starting a family, we began with the traditional way; trying to have biological children. But when Gianna's mom began working for the Safe Children Coalition, the public foster and adoption agency in our county, it seemed that we were being lead down a different path. We started doing some research, and a lot of reading, and a LOT of talking. We finally came to the decision that now was the right time for us to adopt.

We let our families know, began our paperwork and training classes (Model Approach to Partnership in Parenting). Some of the scariest days were the ones where we told our families. How would they react? Would they be as excited and willing to open their homes and hearts to a child as we are? Thankfully, the answer to that was a resounding yes! We were met with excitement, love, a little worry, and a lot of support. We couldn't be more thankful and grateful!

What's Next?:
We have finished classes required to adopt through the state foster/adoption system, and we are currently waiting to begin our homestudy.We will be using this blog as a way to communicate with everyone, as well as Facebook, as events and news occur!

At this point, we do have a child in mind, but are not sharing any information for privacy's sake. If we are not matched with this child, we will probably pursue adoption through fostercare, which means we will be licensed to foster children, and if they become available for adoption we will be able to do so.

As we have info to share, we will be doing so through this blog, but also appreciate hearing from you via phone calls and e-mails!

Where Can I Find More Info About Adoption?:
We know that there is a lot of misinformation out there in the world, and on the internet, about adoption. We are happy to share what information we can, answer any questions, and just hear from all of you in general! 

In the meantime, if you would like to read about adoption, we can recommend some great books!

There are also some good, trustworthy, websites to get information about public adoption, and adoption in general., and are two great places to start, but here are some links to great info:

We can't thank you all enough for your support! We are truly blessed to have such wonderful family and friends to share this amazing journey with!

          Greg and Gianna

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