Sunday, March 17, 2013

Day By Day

So the boys spent all of last weekend with us. K was on Spring Break, so he even got to hang out for a while Monday.

It was an overwhelming weekend, especially for K, because he is a little older. A new family, a new house, is all a lot to take in. On top of that, it was Greg's birthday and we had some family in town, so they met a lot of new people, and were overstimulated. He had a good time though, and seemed to really enjoy himself! P has a hard time at bedtime and when he first awakes, and really REALLY does not like to be disciplined but the rest of the day is absolutely wonderful.

P spent most of the week with us, and basically wants to be here all the time. He asks (yells really) for his foster mom when we tell him it's bedtime, when it's time to take a shower, and when he has to have a time out. As soon as he has calmed down, he is all smiles and very lovey dovey. He does tell me he misses her sometimes, so I tell him he can call her or when he will see her next.

This weekend has been a little more normal. K spent the night Saturday, and during the day we went to a kid's birthday party. Then we had a nice quiet dinner and played with toys and in the back yard. K had a little breakdown about going to bed, but nothing big, and we talked about it in the morning and I think all is well!

As far as them moving in, P is not officially moved in, but is now spending more time here than at his foster family's home. K is transitioning a little more slowly. He has spent the weekends with us, and called us while at his foster mom's, but I think in the coming weeks will be spending a lot more time with us.

K especially loves spending time with Greg! He wants to be with him most of the time. He wants to do everything he does, and takes an interest in everything Greg likes. It's incredibly adorable! K loves legos, reading and more quiet activities, but he is really good at outdoor stuff and sports too. He is just such a sweet kid!

P wants to do whatever his big brother is doing, or if that isn't an option, is absolutely and completely obsessed with Hungry Hungry Hippos, and the book Green Eggs and Ham. He also seems to have a real interest in music, which is great, because we are a pretty musical family! He is a silly, giggly, little boy!

Overall, my house is an absolute disaster, I didn't get to wash my hair or shave my legs for a week, I am super behind on returning phone calls and emails, but I am so incredibly happy. If you don't hear from me for a while, it's because, especially while the boys are transitioning, nothing is more important than spending time with them however I can.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Here and Now

So the meeting was Tuesday! We all sat in the room and talked about the boys, and went over their history again. They gave us the boys records, and made sure that we were still on board which, of course, we were!

P's foster mom, Michelle, invited us to have dinner with our little guy! We headed down, and they even let us tell him we were his mommy and daddy! He was so excited, but it took a little time for it to sink in.

A little later, we were all playing with P in his room and he called for Greg, and called him daddy! Then, he got excited about saying it and just kept saying it! A little later he called me mommy a couple times. Talk about emotions! P was very upset when we left, but we promised him that I would come visit with him again the next day because Greg had to work.

Today after work I headed down and went with Michelle to pick him up from daycare. I was worried he would be nervous today, but he said "Mommy!" and ran into my arms! Then he wouldn't let me put him down! We went to Michael's Craft Store to get something for P to make for Greg for his birthday, and then back to his house for dinner and playtime. The last two days have been the best of my life!

And tommorrow is only going to be better, because K and P are coming to our house for dinner! K's foster mom is bringing him and we are all going to have dinner together! Our boys under our roof! I couldn't be happier!