Friday, July 19, 2013

It's almost here!


Let me apologize for not posting more often. When the boys got out of school, it got like, super duper ridiculously busy! I am loving every minute of it!

Now on to the good news! Our court date is just a few days from now! On July 22nd, our boys will legally be our boys forever and ever!

The boys are excited, and a little scared. Big guy is more scared about being in court in front of the judge. He doesn't like to be the center of attention when there is a lot of other people around. Little guy is scared, but he doesn't know why. He cries at almost nothing and can't pin down exactly why he is sad, is moody and cranky, and just confused I think. I feel terrible for him, and I wish I could help him more. For now, we talk and cuddle as often as we can.

Big guy had summer camp about a week ago and had a blast! He loved learning to surf and skim and stand-up paddle board. He was the littlest kid there, so he was a little discouraged that he didn't get as far as other kids did, but considering that he was the least experienced (kids who live here basically grow up at the beach from like age 3) and the smallest. He held his own! He even won an award for most improved! I think on Monday I will take him by the shop that ran the camp to say hi to his counselors. He really loved spending time with them.

Little guy has Lego camp this coming week (in fact, his first day is Monday and he will miss most of it!), and he will be building with legos and learning about space! How cool is that!

I am just so happy to have my boys. Even though things are not perfect, I am just so incredibly happy to have these amazing little spirits in my life every day. They had their first sleepover at Grandmas a few weeks ago, and I was distraught. It was too quiet, and I didn't know what to do with myself, and I just missed them. I was in tears most of the time, while they had a blast. I just love them so much. I am so lucky to be there mommy!

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