Wednesday, March 5, 2014

525,600 minutes.

One year ago today, Greg and I went to our disclosure meeting. That was the last day that we were not parents. We got to tell our little one that we were his mommy and daddy that night, and it was the first time that we were called mommy and daddy.

Our lives are just so filled with love and joy and pride because of these two amazing boys. In just this last year we have watched them grow so much. They are coming into themselves, and exploring their interests and growing. What an amazing journey this is!

Every moment of every day, we are so blessed to share in these little lives. Not every day is easy, or even fun, but every day is a gift. Sometimes it feels like they have always been with us, always been ours. Other times we think how could it possibly be a year already! The only thing we know is that from the first moment we saw them, they became ours. We are so excited to see what the future holds!

As this anniversary comes, Greg and I have discussed how many little anniversaries we have with them. After this one is March 7th, which is the first time we met big guy, and the first family dinner. Then, March 9th was the first night they spent the night with us. Then comes move-in-day, March 28th, and of course, Adoption Day, July 22nd. We want to celebrate each of these, but we obviously can't go too crazy!!! So the game plan is we will do little things for each one; A movie on March 7th, probably a slumber party (for the four of us) on March 9th, Ice cream cake for move in day (we had sundaes to celebrate that night), and July 22nd is a big deal. We are thinking family trip for that one!

Sorry about not updating in a while. It's busy around here! I will do a post (or two!) about what's been happening since September in the next few days!